This program enables Love the Kids Rwanda to collaborate with like-minded parties in an effort to visit, understand, and provide psychosocial services to homeless and vulnerable children and their families. Children often come from unstable living situations including extreme poverty, family conflicts, parental deaths, neglect, illegal status, violence, and abuse. Even outside of the individual homes, abuse within the community is a problem that has a devastating impact on children. These unsafe and unwelcoming living situations contribute to the amount of children living on the streets. This program supports these children through social reintegration by removing them from unsafe situations or off of the street and into safe family environments. We make sure these environments remain safe by conducting regular monitoring and counseling to maintain a beneficial home for the children.  We conduct regular home visits and also give the families who are raising the children the tools and skills to provide proper childcare. With the help of this program, children often can perform better at school and have a happier childhood when they have a stable life outside of school.